追求卓越 成就未来

追求卓越 成就未来

Glory Last Forever


Natural Science


Physical Optics Research at Massachusetts Institute of Technology




Nonlinear optics[非线性光学]

Quantum optics[量子光学]

Computational optics[计算光学]

Quantum teleportation   [量子隐形传态]

Quantum entanglement   [量子纠缠]

Quantum communication  [量子通信]

Applied Physics[应用物理学]




Research Subject:  Physical Optics

This summer research program is a summary of several topics in optics. In this program, students will be introduced to the current research topics, including nonlinear optics, quantum optics, and computational optics. We will build an interferometer and get to experience cool experimental aspect in optics. A few mini-projects will be given to help understanding the material. Upon completion of this program, students should have comprehensive knowledge about the field of optics.



Session 1: Quantum Technology Overview

Task 1: Overview of what we can do with quantum enhanced technology. Topics include quantum teleportation, quantum entanglement, quantum communication, and others.

Session 2: Fundamental of Quantum Mechanics, an Introduction

Task 2: Learn some basic concepts of quantum mechanics. Topics include Schrödinger and Heisen-berg picture of quantum mechanics, Dirac notation, etc.

Further reading:

Griffiths “Introduction to quantum mechanics” Section 3.6

Quantum Physics of Atoms, Molecules, Solids, Nuclei, and Particles

Introduction to Quantum Mechanics by Bransden and Joachain

MIT opencourseware 6.453 ······

Session 6: Fourier Optics and propagation of light (mini project) ·······

Session 8: Holograph, phase retravel and 3D imaging (mini project)

Task 8: Learn several 3D imaging methods (recover the phase of the wave). We will do simulation and process the real image data using MATLAB. 


