追求卓越 成就未来

追求卓越 成就未来

Glory Last Forever


Natural Science


GIS Program of Massachusetts Institute of Technology




GIS science[GIS科学]

data-driven urban environment studies[数据驱动的城市环境研究]

human mobility and travel behavior profiling[人类移动和旅行行为研究]

urban computing and spatial analyses[城市计算和空间分析]

remote sensing[遥感]



GIS programming

Program Description & Goals

Geographers rely heavily on using GIS tools for spatial data processing and spatial analysis. However,

the algorithms embedded in commercial software may not enough for some geographical analyses. Programming skills are required for geographers to adapt to the quantitative revolution in Geography. Geographers do not need to be professional programmers or be professionals in JAVA or C++. This program will use Python, a very easy learning and powerful programming for handling spatial data and do spatial analysis. A basic programming skill is needed for all geographers, who may join academia or industry in future. The focus of the program is on both breadth and depth. The major topics include basic python programming, data structures and algorithms in Python, advanced functions and tools coding, fundamental spatial data structures and algorithms, and open source Python modules.

The goals of this program are:

• To help students get the basic programming skills using Python.

• To learn how to use Python to manipulate spatial data.

• To be familiar with using Python script for handling large dataset.

• Let students know how to teach themselves about Python programming in GIS.


Introduction of Geographic Information Science, be familiar with basic operations in ArcGIS

and understand the basic ideas of using GIS software to deal with spatial data.



1. Introduction of programming in GIS

Why programing in GIS?

What programing can do in GIS?

2. Introduction of Python programming

Why use Python?

The applications of Python in academia and industry.

3. Development environment

Using conda to manage Python and Python modules

Using Jupyter for Python programing




18. Extension: Collecting data online using APIs

Using Python to collect data online.

Using Twitter API, Google API to download publicly accessible big data.

19. Introduction of HTML/Javascripts/CSS

Basics of HTML

Introduction of programing in Javascripts

20. Online Mapping using open source libraries

Using leaflet to create online Map

Using mapbox to create online map

Student Projects

Resource for Python learning:

1. Python books: Python Geospatial Development, 2nd Edition, you can download this book

from Google IT ebook free.

2. Python GDAL cookbook: https://pcjericks.github.io/py-gdalogr-cookbook/

3. Python ArcPy: http://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/arcpy/get-started/what-is-arcpy-.htm


