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追求卓越 成就未来

Glory Last Forever

科研训练 理科

Project Base Learning Science


Introduction to Research in Psychobiology

Nanthia Suthana





(4)加州大学洛杉矶分校 Ruth and Raymond Stotter 神经外科研究基金会主席

(5)美国认知神经科学学会和 AAMC 医学和科学领域女性研究协会的核心成员

(6)曾获 UCLA 神经外科领域卓越转化研究大奖

(7)曾获得 UCLA 大脑研究协会杰出科学家大奖

(8)AAMC 早期女性医学奖获得者


心理生物学探讨的是心理活动的生理基础和大脑的机制,研究行为与生物作用过程之间的关系,关注神经系统的活动。 同时也研究大脑与行为的演化;大脑的解剖与发展及其和行为的关系;认知、运动控制、动机行为、情绪和精神障碍等 现象和行为的神经过程和神经机制。

教授将介绍心理学和行为神经科学的各种主题 , 最终目的是帮助学生设计自己的研究性学习。教授同时指导学生收集数 据 , 分析数据 , 并根据自己的结果得出结论。研究课题将涉及:

1、拖延有效吗 ( 对记忆或行为表现的累积与间隔学习效果 ) ?

2、随着年龄的发展 , 短期记忆 ( 或注意力 ) 会发生变化吗?

3、睡眠 ( 或睡眠不足 ) 如何影响学习和记忆 ( 或注意力 ) ?


5、当某一特定的感觉被剥夺时 , 其他感官是否被增强?

以上是关于感觉、感知、学习、记忆和注意力等主题的研究项目的一些课题。如果学生选择自己的话题 , 应该和教授讨论, 以确保它是适当的,同时确保学生选择一个可以在课程期间合理收集数据的主题。



Nanthia Suthana





(4)加州大学洛杉矶分校 Ruth and Raymond Stotter 神经外科研究基金会主席

(5)美国认知神经科学学会和 AAMC 医学和科学领域女性研究协会的核心成员

(6)曾获 UCLA 神经外科领域卓越转化研究大奖

(7)曾获得 UCLA 大脑研究协会杰出科学家大奖

(8)AAMC 早期女性医学奖获得者


加州大学洛杉矶分校 (University of California, Los Angeles) 是 UC 系统中学生人数最多的一所学校,也是美国最好的公立大学之一。 UCLA 共有 325 栋建筑,设有文理学院 College of Letters and Science 和 11 所专业学院,是开设专业最多和招收人数最 多的美国大学。UCLA 是美国商业金融、高科技产业、电影艺术等专业人才的摇篮。 UCLA 先后共 有 14 位教授和毕业生们获得过诺贝尔奖。 2006 年,UCLA 数学系 31 岁的澳籍华 裔教授陶哲轩(Terence Tao)获得数学领域的诺贝尔奖——菲尔兹奖。2009 年, 毕业于 UCLA 的经济学家埃莉诺˙奥斯特罗姆(Elinor Ostrom)获得了当年的诺贝 尔经济学奖,成为了历史上首位获得诺贝 尔经济学奖的女性。2011 年,UCLA 计 算机科学学院的教授朱迪亚˙珀尔(Judea Pearl) 获得了计算机界的诺贝尔奖——图灵奖。 UCLA 的教授中,有 105 位美国科学与艺术学院院士,86 位美国科学促进学会会员,40位美国科学院院士,20 位美国工 程院院士,34 位美国医学研究院 院士,16 位美国哲学院院士。

• 8周在线小组科研(总课时78小时)
• 网申推荐信
• 学术评估报告
• 项目成绩单
• 论文成果


Introduction to Research in Psychobiology Course Syllabus

Fall, 2020








Introduction, Research Topics, Research Methods


8:00 AM – 11:00 AM




Sensation, Perception, Consciousness, Attention


8:00 AM – 11:00 AM




Learning, Memory, Emotion, Decision Making


8:00 AM – 11:00 AM




Social Psychology, Psychological Disorders & Treatments


8:00 AM – 11:00 AM




Research Project – Goals, Hypotheses, Background Research


8:00 AM – 11:00 AM




Research Project – Gathering data and data analysis


8:00 AM – 11:00 AM




Research Project – Conclusions and finalization of paper


8:00 AM – 11:00 AM




Final Research Presentations


8:00 AM – 11:00 AM


Instructor: Professor Nanthia Suthana (nanthia@ucla.edu)


Course Description

This course will present various topics in Psychology and Behavioral Neuroscience with the ultimate goal of helping students design their own research study. During the second half of the course, students will be able to design a study, gather data, analyze the data, and make conclusions based on their results. The course will culminate in student groups presenting their research projects in a final oral presentation and written paper.

Weeks 1-4: Possible research topics will be introduced and relevant background will be presented. At the end of each lecture, ideas for specific research projects will be discussed with the group to help guide group decisions.

Weeks 4-7: Each day will focus on a different aspect of the study including how to design study, hypotheses, how to gather data, how to visualize and analyze the data, how to interpret the results and finally how to put it all together in a final research paper. Each group will have an opportunity to meet with the Professor during each meeting to discuss the progress of their research project.

Week 8: Each group will give a 30 minute (+10 minutes Q/A) presentation of their research project including discussion of relevant background, study hypotheses, methods, results, conclusions, limitations, and future directions.

Research Topics

Below are a few ideas for research projects on topics of Sensation, Perception, Learning, Memory and Attention. There are many more topics that the student groups can choose from. Additional possible ideas will be discussed in class after each topic lecture is presented. Students can choose from one of the topics below or pick their own topic that is related to any of the course material presented. If student groups choose their own topic they should discuss it with the Professor to make sure that it is appropriate. Student groups should choose a topic where data can be reasonably collected during the course period.


Does procrastination work? (Massed vs. spaced learning effects on memory or behavioral performance) Does short-term memory (or attention) change as we age?

How does sleep (or lack thereof) affect learning and/or memory (or attention)? Can exercise improve learning and memory?

Synesthesia and its prevalence.

When a particular sensation is deprived, are the other senses heightened?



Participation is mandatory. Research paper must be typed. All work MUST be the students own individual work. You have an obligation to behave in an ethically responsible manner. We have a ZERO TOLERANCE for plagiarism and cheating in this course. We will use the Turnitin.com link from the MYUCLA portal. Student conduct including plagiarism and cheating: http://www.deanofstudents.ucla.edu/integrity.html

Plagiarism: To PLAGIARIZE is to "steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own without crediting the source; present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source," (Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary, Springfield: G. & C. Merriam Company, 1973, 870.).



Your grade will be determined from class attendance/participation (30%), final research paper (30%) and final research presentation (30%).

Grading scale

97-100 A+

93-96 A

90-92 A-

87-89 B+

83-86 B

80-82 B-

77-79 C+

73-76 C

70-72 C-

67-69 D+

63-66 D

60-63 D- BELOW 60 F

