追求卓越 成就未来

追求卓越 成就未来

Glory Last Forever




Massachusetts Institute of Technology

 Materials Science And Electrochemistry Research




Nanomaterials for energy[纳米能源]

In situ electron microscopy[原位电子显微术]

Physical metallurgy and mechanics[物理冶金学及力学]

Computational materials science[计算机材料科学]

Nanomaterials, Carbon Nanotubes, Energy Storage,Battery,Lithium Ion Batteries,Carbon, Lithium Battery, Amorphous Carbon,[纳米材料、碳纳米管、储能、电池、锂离子电池、碳、锂电池、无定形碳]




One-dimensional Nanomaterials for Energy Storage

Keywords: Energy storage; nanomaterials, carbon, in situ TEM
Recommendation: This program is designed for students interested in energy science and technology and energy storage devices for electric vehicles and hybrid electric vehicles.


Because of the decrease of fossil fuel and the ever-growing need for a clean and secure energy, there has been an increasing demand for developing a new generation of electric energy storage for powering low or zero emission electric vehicles (EVs), hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), and others. Among all types of batteries, lithium battery has gained a continuously growing scientific interest because its theoretical energy/power density is the highest for all solid electrodes. It, however, is very difficult to be employed in industrial area due to the internal short circuiting caused by the formation of dendritic lithium, resulting in a catastrophic failure and unsatisfactory cycling life of battery. Recently, Lithium/sodium-ion batteries (YIBs, Y=L and N), lithium/sodium-sulfur batteries (YSBs) and supercapacitors (SCs) have attracted many attentions in view of their long cycling life, rate capability, safety issue.


Session 1: Materials for solar energy conversion Task 1: Learn some basic concepts of charge (ion, electron) transport and materials required for solar energy conversion. References: Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 54 (1998) 39-48

Session 2: Anodic oxides for electrochromic windows Task 2: To be determine. References: 1.Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 99 (2012) 1-13 2.http://www.annualreviews.org/doi/pdf/10.1146/annurev-matsci-062910-100344

Session 3: Cathodic oxides for electrochromic windows Task 3: To be determine References: 1. Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 99 (2012) 1-13 2. http://www.annualreviews.org/doi/pdf710.1146/annurev-matsci-062910-100344

Session 4: Transparent conductors as solar energy materials Task 4: To be determine References: 1. http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/0957-4484/24/45/452001/pd



Session 9: Substrate materials for CPV Task 8: To be determine References: To be determine


